Catalogue launch: A Time and A Place, Views and Perspectives on Chinese Export Art

Client  Jorge Welsh Research & Publishing  2017

A Time and A Place is a fascinating historical testimony of forgotten places and scenery depicted in hybrid objects such as plates, dinner services, tea sets, punch bowls and mugs. The purpose of such subject in these objects was due sometimes for family remembrance reasons, religious beliefs, political tokens, or simply as a souvenir.

Contrary to other publications, this catalogue purpose was to visually balance the depicted motive with the actual piece in the editorial layout.

All of Panorama’s editorial design projects are developed from concept stage up to print production.

A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
A Time and A Place Catalogue. Graphic Print Editorial Design Lisbon
Project credits: Panorama